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  [1] Y. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Cao, et al. Optimal operation strategy for multi-energy microgrid participating in auxiliary service, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 14(5): 3523-3534, 2023. (一作/SCI Q1 TOP /IF:10.275)

  [2] Y. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Cao, et al. Hybrid AC/DC microgrid architecture with comprehensive control strategy for energy management of smart building, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 101: 151-161, 2018. (一作/SCI Q1/IF: 4.418)

  [3] Y. Wang, Y. Cao, Y. Li, et al. Modelling and analysis of a two-level incentive mechanism based peer-to-peer energy sharing community, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,133C, 2021. (一作/SCIQ1/IF: 5.659)

  [4] Y. Wang, X. Wu, Y. Li, et al. An autonomous energy community based on energy contract, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 14(4): 682-689, 2019. (一作/SCI Q2/IF: 2.862)

  [5] Y. Li, Y. Deng, Y. Wang, et al. Robust bidding strategy for multi-energy virtual power plant in peak-regulation ancillary service market considering uncertainties, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 151:109101, 2023. (通讯/SCI Q1/IF: 5.659)

  [6] Y. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, et al. Carbon-oriented optimal operation strategy for multiple integrated energy microgrids based on Stackelberg game, Electric Power Systems Research. 224: 109778, 2023. (通讯/ SCI Q2/IF: 3.9)

  [7] L. Yi, H.Zhang, Y. Wang, B. Luo, L. Fan, J.Liu, G. hua Li. Multi-objective global dynamic optimal scheduling of smart building loads considering carbon emissions, Energy & Buildings, 301: 13740, 2023. (通讯/SCI Q1/IF 6.7)

  [8] L. Yi, S. Cheng, Y. Wang, Y. Hu, H. Ma, B. Luo. A multivariate reconfiguration method for rooftop PV array based on improved northern goshawk optimization algorithm, Physica Scripta, 2024, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ad2a2b. (通讯/SCI Q2, IF: 2.6)

  [9] L. Yi, Y. Yi, Y. Wang, J. Li, Speed Tracking and Train Anti-slip Control Based on Active Disturbance Rejection for Freight Trains with Large Inertia, Engineering Letters, 32(1):101-111, 2024. (通讯/SCI Q2/IF: 0.6)

  [10] Z. Li, X. Li, X. Yan, W. Wen, X. Zeng, R. Zhu, Y. Wang, Lingzhi Yi, Optimal proportioning of iron ore in sintering process based on improved multi-objective beluga whale optimisation algorithm, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s42243-023-01173-3. (通讯/SCI Q2/IF:2.5)

  [11] L. Yi, X. Peng, C. Fan, Y. Wang, Y. Li, J. Liu. GRU combined model based on multi-objective optimization for short-term residential load forecasting, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2024. (通讯/ Q2, IF: 2.0/录用)

  [12] L. Yi, J. Long, Y. Wang, Stator-rotor fault diagnosis of induction motor based on time-frequency domain feature extraction, Metrology and Measurement System, 2023. (通讯/SCI Q4/ IF: 1.0/录用)

  [13] L. Yi, Y. Yi, Y. Wang, et al. Freight train speed active disturbance rejection tracking and wheel anti-slip based on T-S fuzzy neural network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023. (通讯/A/录用)


[1] 湘潭大学博士科研启动项目,多能微网多主体能量自治优化研究,主持,在研;

[2] 湖南省虚拟仿真实验教学项目,碳中和背景下庭院绿色建筑智能控制仿真实验平台”,参与,结题;

[3] 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(中英合作项目),微能网多主体协同控制与自治运行方法研究,参与,结题;

[4] 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(中日合作项目),智能微网多能源系统集成与需求侧高效利用技术研发,参与,结题;

[5] 中国电建集团江西省电力设计院有限公司科技合作项目,充电站直流微网建设及其需求侧高效利用技术研究,参与,结题;

[6] 国网湖南省电力有限公司经济技术研究院合作项目,局域能源互联网供需多主体互动关键技术研究及应用示范,参与,结题;

[7] 国网湖南省电力有限公司技术技能培训中心合作项目,综合能源微电网多能流优化与多类型负荷监测技术及示范,参与,结题;



